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2. Basis of preparation

Vesteda Residential Fund FGR (the Fund) is not a legal entity. These financial statements present the company financial information of the Fund. The company financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Part 9, Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code. Use has been made of the option extended under Book 2, Article 362, Section 8, Dutch Civil Code to apply the accounting policies used in the consolidated financial statements to the company financial statements.

  • For the general principles for the preparation of the financial statements, the principles for valuation of assets and liabilities and determination of the result, as well as for the notes to the specific assets and liabilities and the results, reference is made to the notes to the consolidated financial statements, if not presented otherwise hereinafter.

  • As a result of the license obtained from the AFM, Vesteda needs to comply with the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD). As a consequence, Vesteda needs to adhere to the requirements of Part 9 of Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code.

The company financial statements are presented in euro and all amounts are rounded to the nearest million, except where otherwise indicated.

Participations in group companies

Participations in group companies in which significant influence is exercised on the business and financial policy, are valued under the net equity value, but not lower than nil. This net asset value is based on the same accounting principles as applied by Vesteda FGR. If the net asset value is negative, the participating interest is valued at nil. This likewise takes into account other long-term interests that should effectively be considered part of the net investment in the participating interest. If the company fully or partly guarantees the liabilities of the associated company concerned, or has the effective obligation respectively to enable the associated company to pay its (share of the) liabilities, a provision is formed. Upon determining this provision, provisions for doubtful debts already deducted from receivables from the associated company are taken into account.

Legal reserve for associated companies

The legal reserve for associated companies is formed in the amount of the share of Vesteda FGR in the results and direct increases of the associated companies since the initial valuation of these associated companies at net asset value, insofar as Vesteda FGR cannot realise a distribution without limitations. The statutory reserve for associated companies is determined individually.