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Organisational developments

Our journey to become a High Performance Organisation (HPO) continued in 2023. The following chart shows the scores from our bi-yearly surveys and the target of 8.5.

HPO survey scores

Vesteda conducted the latest High Performance Organisation (HPO) survey in December 2023. The total score improved to 7.8 in 2023, from 7.7 in 2021. 

With this, Vesteda has once again demonstrated a structural improvement as a HPO on nearly all success factors. Increasingly, employees are awarding high scores, irrespective of the length of service. There is a strong emphasis on quality, continuous improvement, sustainability, transparency, and a positive work culture.

The survey in 2021 identified a number of attention points. In 2023, we continued working on these topics. We focused on collaboration and connection, becoming the best landlord, working in projects, employee of the future and the continuous improvement of our organisation and processes.

We continued to support good and healthy workspaces at home. Employees have the freedom and the responsibility to choose their workplace, either at the office or elsewhere. We have a policy in place with regard to working at the office or elsewhere. However, we do stimulate bonding within and between teams.

Vesteda believes that the health of our employees is essential, so we strive to provide a healthy work-life balance. To achieve this, Vesteda joined forces with well-being organisation De Atleetfabriek. Together with the sports committee and ambassadors, we have been working on mental, physical and nutritional themes. The programme included masterclasses, sports challenges and supporting communication.

We also work with OpenUp, a platform that allows employees to work on their mental well-being. Via OpenUp, employees have unlimited one-on-one access to on-demand coaching, consultations with psychologists and other mental resources. This initiative aims to tackle mental health issues during their early stages. 

To encourage our people to work together and collaborate, we continued with the roll-out of RealDrives. Several teams conducted team sessions to enhance mutual understanding and streamline collaboration within each team.

Lean management forms a key component of our ongoing effort towards continuous improvement. In 2023, 56 employees followed the Lean methodology training. Equipped with this expertise, they are now capable of systematically developing and implementing improvement strategies within their own departments and across broader areas.

Our work increasingly requires a project-based approach. We therefore set up a project board to strengthen cross-departmental teamwork.

Employees in numbers

At year-end 2023, Vesteda employed 222 FTEs, an increase of five FTEs since year-end 2022. The number of employees increased by three persons to 239. In 2023, our average population of flex workers increased to 17.3 FTEs from 15.4 FTEs. Vesteda hires flex workers primarily to fill vacancies, or in the event of absenteeism due to illness and maternity leave.

Workforce by age (%)

The average age of Vesteda employees increased to 42.9 years in 2023, from 42.3 years the previous year. 55% of the workforce is younger than 45 years of age (2022: 57%). The representation of the groups older than 45 years of age increased to 45% compared with 43% in 2022.

Workforce by gender (%)

The male/female ratio slightly changed compared to year-end 2022. At year-end 2023, 49% of the workforce were male and 51% were female.

In 2023, 26 new employees joined Vesteda (46% female/54% male) and 23 employees left the company (43% female/57% male). The employee turnover rate was 10% in 2023 (2022: 14%).

The male/female ratio was 100/0 within the Management Board and 50/50 within the Management Team, including the Management Board. The ratio for the Supervisory Committee was 60/40. Vesteda recognises the importance of an equal distribution of male and female members of its Management Board and Supervisory Committee, taking into account that the candidate’s qualifications and suitability for the function are always the leading principle.

At year-end 2023, the ratio of indefinite versus fixed-term contracts remained 86%/14%. A total of 102 males and 103 females were employed under indefinite contracts, while 16 males and 18 females had fixed-term contracts.

At year-end 2023, 35% of Vesteda’s employees worked part time (70 females versus 14 males). Most full-time Vesteda employees are male (104 males versus 51 females). The average FTE is 0.93. The average FTE is 0.98 for males and 0.88 for females.

In total, 19 employees took paid or unpaid parental leave in 2023 (2022: 21 employees).

The percentage of total employees covered by collective bargaining agreements remained 93% at year-end 2023. Employees that are not covered mostly consist of the Management Team and other Identified Staff.

Training and development

In 2023, Vesteda invested €437 thousand (or 2.3% of the gross payroll) in the education and development of individual employees and teams. This was lower than in 2022 (3.3% of the gross payroll). Vesteda organised several courses, including Lean training courses, RealDrives team sessions, a compliance dilemma training course, training for rental agents on screening the rental applications of self-employed people or small companies, a training course in the home valuation points system for rent setting (Woningwaarderingsstelsel, WWS), an IT security training course, a Microsoft Teams training and an inspirational session about artificial intelligence.


Absenteeism declined to 3.7% in 2023, from 4.6% in 2022. This was largely due to a decline in (long-term) absenteeism caused by mental health issues. To manage absenteeism, managers were offered a course in health management, in which absenteeism behaviour was a central theme.

Sick leave


Please see the Remuneration report for information on the remuneration of the Management Board, other Identified Staff and the Supervisory Committee.

Works Council

During the year, the Works Council and the Management Board met on a regular scheduled basis. These meetings were constructive and subjects included changes in the organisational structure, remuneration policy, HPO, health policy, employer branding including eNPS, working conditions and compliance policy.