18. Financial assets
The financial assets movements can be specified as follows:
19. Trade and other receivables
The trade and other receivables can be specified as follows:
20. Cash and cash equivalents
The cash and cash equivalents can be specified as follows:
21. Group equity
The total equity amounts to:
22. Financial liabilities
The non-current financial liabilities can be specified as follows:
23. Lease liabilities
As of 1 January 2019 IFRS 16 is implemented in the balance sheet and P&L.
24. Provisions
The current provisions movements can be specified as follows:
25. Trade and other payables
The trade and other payables can be specified as follows:
26. Transactions with related parties
Vesteda has a pension plan with ABP. In 2023, Vesteda paid premiums in the amount of €2.5 million (2022: €2.6 million). This counterparty is also a participant in the Fund.
27. Financial risk management objectives and policies
Vesteda’s principal financial liabilities, other than derivatives, are loans and borrowings. The main purpose of Vesteda’s loans and borrowings is to finance the Vesteda Companies' property portfolio.