Annex 1: Key figures 2014-2023
* Excludes equity redemptions from Redemption Available Cash (RAC). 2018 and 2019 figures include capital repayments related to portfolio sales.
Annex 2: Legal structure
Vesteda is a mutual fund for the joint account of the participants. Investors may join the fund by taking an interest in the fund. The fund is transparent for tax purposes.
Annex 3: Members of the Management Board and Management Team
The Management Board consists of Gertjan van der Baan (CEO) and Frits Vervoort (CFO).
Annex 4: Members of the Supervisory Committee
Dutch. Former CEO of Multi Corporation and Redevco. Areas of expertise: real estate, investments, compliance, risk management.
Annex 5: GRI content index
Annex 6: SFDR disclosure
Annex 7: Energy consumption
Annex 8: TCFD disclosure
Annex 9: External appraisers
The purpose of the appraisal is to gain an accurate and independent valuation of the assets at the end of each quarter.